Findlay Royds

Hi, I'm Findlay Royds. I'm a third year computer science student at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

View my Resume, or visit my linkedin or github profile.
Feel free to send me an email at [email protected]

Java Crash Evaluation and Navigation Assistant. Findlay Royds worked in a team of 7 to build this.3D voxel game, written in kotlinFull stack petitions websitePath tracer with reflections, refractions, and a Menger fractalJava Crash Evaluation and Navigation Assistant3D voxel game, written in kotlin by Findlay RoydsFull stack petitions websitePath tracer with reflections, refractions, and a Menger fractalJava Crash Evaluation and Navigation Assistant3D voxel game, written in kotlinFull stack petitions websitePath tracer with reflections, refractions, and a Menger fractal. Made by Findlay Royds as part of a university course.